Dave and Zak enjoying the view from the garden

Kane following tracks in the back garden. (the area beyond the hedge where the large trees are is where the chickens are kept)
Sorry about the lack of blogging just recently. What with my eldest having been poorly, my youngest turning 5 and having a birthday do at the village hall and also creating cards etc for a magazine, I've been a little busy- and ontop of that we bought a new house two weeks ago with one and a quarter acres, a veg garden plus 10 chickens and a cockerel lol
Thankyou so much for all the fabulous good luck messages and cards from those that knew about the house and the 'thinking of you' comments xx.
The house gives you a real calming feel as you walk in through the big gates and once the building has been adapted for wheelchair access (will take 6 months approx) its going to be fantastic.
Meanwhile, I thought you might like to see a photo of a few of the new members of the family :0)

Rhydian the cockerel and his ladies :0)
Will try and get something artyfied posted asap :0)
Look at those chickens and the open space, love it, hope you will be very happy there Jo.
It looks amazing Jo - I bet you can't wait to get in there full time. I hope that it brings you and your family all that you wish for. x
Hope you and the boys have many happy memories in your new home, love all the open space outside, lol and the much raved about chooks:)x
what a wonderful view. makes you feel very relaxed just looking at the photos Jo. hope you'll be very happy there.
nooooooooo I'm going to sing that all day now.......lay a little egg for meeeeeee lollol
love the pics, they are fab. hope it all goes smoothly for you all. Good Luck!! xx :)))
Fantastic photos Jo. Lovely to see Rhydian and his ladies lol. Hope you'll all be settled in there soon. Enjoy :o)
wow! the garden is fab. and rhydian and the girls are ace!!
Fabulous open space! Love the chickens they look quite happy.
Nice and green, you lucky lady. Right now it's 0 degrees with snow here! I hope you love the new home.
Rhydian looks like he's a very happy chap rofl The gardens gorgeous Jo.. I'm sure you're all going to be really happy there :o)
Hi Jo
It looks like you have been quite busy! How exciting about the house and magazine work! CONGRATS!
Jo, goodness girl, your new home and outdoors is a haven for the happy! <3 Looks just lovely and I hope ALL goes well and you are soon settled and feeling like you have always been there!
P.S.The chickens are fun! :0)
Hi Jo,
WOW, the new house sounds fabulous and the grounds are beautiful. Wishing you many happy years of love and joy and in your new home!
so happy to see your post, your view and yard look wonderful and peaceful. Sorry for all the troubles of late and hope things will be better for you soon.
:o) Love those chickens :o)
i love that youve called your cockeral rhydian !!!! just faaaabulous!!!!
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