I had a spare hour to myself last night - something which I havent had for what seems like forever, as my eldest has been very poorly, and so sat and had a play with the new stamps to relax my mind.
This range has endless mileage as they intertwine and work so well together. Here are a few ideas...four of many I have buzzing around in my head for these stamps, but unfortunately time to create isn't possible right now due to needing to put family first.
I used old crossword puzzles and adverts from the 'singles' section in the local paper :0)))
Please click to enlarge if need be.
Here is a range of small note cards...

And heres a hanging which is about 5" tall plus the ribbon.

fantastic Jo ! love the b&w against the orange !
have put some on my blog too ;-)
hope Zak gets better soon
isa xxx
Jo these are gorgeous!! just wonderful what you've done with (imo) quite ordinary stamps, it's great to see what can be done with them. love the heart hanging especially.
take care of moo. xx
Hi Jo
Love the B&W and orange colour combo. Stunning!!
These are so cool, Jo. Love the background medium & colour. Fab stamps can't wait to see what else you create. Hoping Zak is soon on the mend bless him.x
These are fabulous, great colours and the new stamps look wonderful
wow! these are fab! so funky!
love how you can see the "curvy lady" bit on the newspaper cutting!! brilliant!
Fun stamps - and the hanging is really cool!!!!
Oh, that hanging is just awesome..great use of those stamps!
Oh wow I love the way you've used these stamps. Amazing.
So cool what you have done with these.
I really like the heart Jo ! It is super cute !
love this style Jo....just bought some of these stamps myself, dont think I'll be making anything as good as these though!
fab Jo.. love the black and white with a splash of colour!
Love everything you have done with new stamps.
What great ideas you have.
Hope you son gets better soon.
Hugs to both of you.
Love what you've come up with using these stamps Jo, really fun and funky, great stuff.
Love what you have done with these stamps JO....off to get me some now!!!!
Jo favulous heart! I love how whimsical it is.
Love the heart hanging and how you have used the crossword and singles ads. Great colour combination Jo
ahh.. awesome Jo.. how did you treat the newspaper so it remains as nice as it is in the years to come?
Very cool! So Fresh!
Sandra Evertson
OOOooo.. Jo these are fantastic .. love love love them..
I had decided I didnt want the stamps but I am changing my mind ..
this will be why you are on the design team then lol. to sway folk like me!
What a fabulous heart!
Wow, Love it!!!!
absolutely cool! :-)
Stunning as always Jo! The colors are a knock out! LOVE THEM!!!!!!
Sending positive wishes your way!
Love these, Jo. The colour scheme is gorgeous! I'll have to get my hands on some of these new stamps.
Cool and funky piece, Love this Jo, maybe second thoughts looming now re the stamps lol:)
Jo...these are fabulous. A different style of sorts for you put you pulled it off wonderfully. Love the look :o)
I must say I don't like the stamps, but having that said...you did a great job with them Jo! Gorgeous artwork
Great work Jo!
This is just stunning ! Love it ! All your work is wonderful !
These are great - I love the colour combinations and the way you have incorporated the adverts etc - very visionary! A true inspiration! :o)
Just popping in to say hi and that I am thinking of you!
this is just stunning! gorgeous work as always. I will be keping your son in my prayers!
jo i just love what youve done with these stamps!! especially how youve used singles ad's - very inspiring ! love the colour combination to - very striking.
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