Just the mere mention of summertime sets off those songs that gets into your head all day or just crops up in a hum when you least expect it, triggering all sorts of memories for me.
While I was making the following pieces I was 'You Tube'-ing all sorts of summer songs from Dancing Queen to Californication and Stevie Nicks singing Sara (I hadn't listened to that song for over 20 years and it was like going back in time!!) Then got sucked into Dr Hook's Sylvia's Mother for somereason which led to Terry Jack's Seasons in the Sun and by then there was no hope for me as I spiralled in to Starry Starry Night....
I know!! I should have stopped when things were jolly lol
You see what I have to go through to get the feel of a theme!! lol
anyway...I digress - on with the crafty stuff...
Crafty Individuals are running the theme Time for Summer seeing as it's now officially British Summertime and so I made this box from four of the Crafty Individials tags, two fairy plates and a selection of flowers.
This is the softer more thoughtful 'chiffon colouring' view. Does that make sense? In real life this has a very subtle gentle feel to it but still remains summery I hope.

a closer snoop...using mainstamp image CI137)

then twirling it round to the other side we can see the more typical summer colours (in RL they are reds and bright orange not muted rusts)...

and a closer look at this side (main stamp is CI132)..

Summertime has taken a twist today here in the UK. We have sunshine but it's frosty white out on the grass and apparently Scotland are expecting snow!
To finish my post I'll leave you with just ONE song that to me says summer.
Whats your summer song??
Depends on your age I guess as to the era.
My summer ones tend to stem from the 70's/80's usually rock ones.
But I think given just one choice this has to be the all time knee patting, beer-garden table tapping song of all time...one of those (as the phrase is nowadays) 'guilty pleasure' songs...
So there we are... that summer feeling for me. Half a lager and lime/tequila and orange, beer garden, summer evenings, back in the day lol
Why not hunt out your all time favourite summer time tracks and get 'in the zone' lol and hopefully you will get your crafty items out at the same time and join in with the challenge. I look forward to seeing all the summery work.
xx Jo
COME ON EILEEN!!!! Love that song - it'll be in my head all day today!!!
I have found the CTL + buttons and I can enlarge things and see your gorgeous box. Brilliant idea to make it out of tags. And ooooooohhhhhhh those wonderful colours - in full technicolour - brilliant. I just adore the way you have coloured the images too - really tells you summer is here.
Starry starry night is one of my all time favourites, and I'll happily sit a cry to it all night long!
Have a great day. I'm off out for a gentle walk around the village and up my allotment - just to look - mustn't do anything strenuous - I'll be leaving that to your muscle man, and picture him in those baggy jeans dungarees singing along to 'Come on Eileen' it'll help him get quicker and quicker with his heavy lifting!
Great song reminds me of so many things!! Your piece is stunning, the colours are beautiful and yet there is a subtle softness and sense gentleness as well as summertime!!! Beautiful! Hugs trace x
Love your work, it is just stunning, but I dig your music!! My summer song I guess would be 10CC's I'm Not In Love - it was in the charts forever the year I took my o levels and remember it so well walking to school for exams listening to the charts on someone's not very portable radio.... I remember it being No 1 for ages but checking up now it looks like it wasn't - the things memory does to you!
Ahhh summer! What a beautiful tag box you have made. Love the fairies.
WOW Jo this is gorgeous! LOL at the amble thru memory lane. I think I was about 13/14 when Come on Eileen charted and yes I had some those god awful dungarees! Thought I was mega cool though!!!
See you soon
Claire x
Me, too, I'm afraid Jo - the song will be in my head for the rest of the day, lol, but is that a bad thing? Gorgeous work and the muted colours look good, so I bet they look much better in real life. Love the way you used those images - great stuff x
Omg I love that song. Your box is stunning, so beautiful delicate colours. Thanks for your kind comments xx
Your post has led me walking down memory lane this Monday.
Do I remember "Seasons In The Sun", what age I would be I don't know but I was young (I need to Google the year it was released, I was born in 1968) and weirdly, for a child, I love that song. Then Dexys, I was in my late teens early 20s and that song brings a flood of wonderful memories of good times and good friends but enough of my nostalgic trip let me move to your beautiful box and the oh so clever idea of using the tags in this way.
I need to get a wriggle on and get my post out there.
Wishes (and as someone said "Thanks for the memories"!!!!)
Altogether now... 'Toora loora toora loo rye aye...' Brilliant Jo! been humming it all morning and back in the day, I had the dungarees too!
My choice? Hmm... B52's - Love Shack always reminds me of Summer and howsabout... Summer Nights from Grease?... 'Well-a well-a well-a'
Nearly forgot!! What a gorgeous project, I love the muted colours moving towards the brighter ones. The main image is really beautiful. the box itself is a genius idea. xx
Oh my! Back in the day that was THE song & I always loved the video. Gorgeous artwork, as always Jo.
My computer died on my birthday & I only got a new one this weekend!!!
Seasons in the Sun is my Junior school song, have always wanted it played at my funeral, (soz about that down bit of info), I just love the song and DMR, the 80's in London brill times, for me I remember driving in beautiful weather with my man (not the one Im with now LOL) with Level 42 blasting out, that's the sound of summer to me, thanks for the roll back in time hun, and love your box those fairys are two of my fave CI stamps . . ps ru checking out the numbers LOL
I love your tag project - so pretty. I really enjoyed your musical memories, although my OH hates Come on Eileen so much I cringe automatically waiting for his rude comments, even though I don't actually mind it myself! Elaine x
What dance steps! Hardly West Side Story Lol. I used to love those dungarees and wearing them. I think my ultimate summer video/song would be Dancing in the Streets with Mick Jagger and David Bowie. What a pair, camping it up!
Oh wow, what a trip back to my teen years!! How many school discos were spent stamping about with hands behind your back, singing toora,loora...... Thanks for the fun reminder - awesome box btw :)
Love this project Jo, the colours are so pretty, definitely a promise of the season ahead. It doesn't feel warm enough today, that's for sure! Great idea to use those gorgeous tags, I am hoarding mine, which is silly really.
Your music memories made me smile as I love those songs, I remember singing along to them in the car as we would go out for the evening. Loved 'Come on Eileen' turned up loud, you've brought back a lot of happy memories with that one. Judith xx
OMG - that took me down memory lane Jo. lol. gorgeous tag box. your colours are delightful. it's difficult to choose from one or the other - a definite mood thing.
You have done it now.....That song will be in my head for weeks now!!
Your tags are gorgeous and I am so glad I have found your blog. You see I have your bee stamps (Hubby is a Bee Keeper) and I use them alot! Many people ask who's they are and other than mine I always tell them they are your designs!
I see from a comment you left on Sandra's blog you are a chicken keeper too! There seem to be a few of us bloggers with chickens about!! We have Light Sussex and ex-Batts. To be honest, the ex-Batts are alot nicer and far less aloof!
Hi there - I discovered you through Hettiecraft's blog! You SO have to join in WOYWW - not only is your work stunning, you write really entertainingly. BTW I am also someone who can mark events throughout their life by the Tracks of my Years :)
Hugs, Lunch Lady Jan xx
PS No matter how untidy you think your desk is, honestly it's pristine compared to some!
The musical stuff was going great until you got to "seasons in the sun" :p
There's so many summer songs, but if I had to pick one I think it would have to be Mungo Jerry - "In the summertime".
Love the box by the way :)
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