Yesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! Its my name on the front cover!!!!! Even more suprisingly my name fits onto the front cover!! lol
I can't believe it's me! I made Guest Artist in the latest issue of Stamper's Sampler (Dec/Jan 09). I haven't felt this elated about my work since first getting a card published in a readers gallery competition when I first started out.
Christen Olivarez was very complimentary in her Editor's Letter about me and also in the introduction to the article itself, which consists of four pages of artwork and a page of interview.
Have I said I'm excited!!!!!!!
LOL :0)
Here are one or two pieces from the article, which were created almost a year ago now, so my overall style has changed a little. I hope you enoy it if you manage to get hold of a copy.

Stampington did a superb job with the photography and layout, especially with the two I've shown that I took myself (above). I found them very tricky to capture with all their elements with my little camera, but if you get the magazine you'll get to see better shots.
Thankyou very much indeed.
I know Ive said it a hundred times already but Congrats Jo - Im so chuffed that theyve given you and your work the reconition it deserves,actually Im chuffed for you,full stop!
you go girl!!!!
I'll try and get hold of a copy
FAB FAB FAB Jo, will be getting a copy soon!!
I'm so pleased for you!
althought I do think your name should actually be in flashy lights on the cover!
Congratulations - well deserved - your work is beautiful
Vron xx
WELL DONE YOU!!! Many congratulations, it is well deserved!!
Will have to get a copy so I can see your work in all its glory.
W.O.W !!!!!!
What fantastic, amazing news :D I really have to get a copy now. The pieces you have shown are so gorgeous. You are going to have to introduce yourself as Jo C-S, as featured in... all the time now!
faberoony Jo. very rich sumptuous colours. love diamond dangly on the second one. can't wait to see the rest of the article.
My heartiest congratulations. I am a beginner - and I look long and lovingly at your blog for inspiration - but mainly in awe!
I don't know where I can get hold of that magazine - so thanks for show casing some of your featured work on here.
Jo, congratulations.....and you certainly deserve it. Such great artistic talent so well represented in your article. Yay !!!
That´s great news, Jo, I can´t wait to see the article!
Congratulations to you on your GA feature in SS. Your work in this issue is especially fabulous -- well deserved spotlight I think!
Gorgeous pieces and CONGRATULATIONS! xx
Congratulations, Jo. Brilliant work. :o)
congrat Jo, fantastic news
Congratulations and very well done Jo. Always admire your work..... Kate :-)
Oh, brilliant Jo - and so well-deserved.
Your work is always truly inspiring and a feast for the eyes. It's so good to have you posting on your blog again now you've settled in your new home too.
Shall have to get hold of this issue!
Congratulations!! You totally deserve it, your work is absolutely amazing! I wish I could get my hands on a copy. Another downside to living in a smaller city!! I love coming here to get inspired and see your newest creations!
Congrats Jo !!! And you deserved it !! Your cards are stunning !!! I really love them !!
Patti xx
About time, lol, I am so happy for you Jo, a well deserved recognition for you and your work.
you are sooo talented. I love ALL your work. I've tagged you today and would be grateful if you can spare time to have a look on my blog and possibly take up the tag.
Joanne xx
Very well deserved, Congratualtions!
Gorgeous artwork, I really love the depth in both of these pieces.
congrats are in order!
go girl go!
I'm delighted for you, Jo. What an achievement! *clap, clap*
Well deserved too! Your work is fabulous! :)
what a beautiful work.
i love it very much
Congrats Jo! That's awesome! I'm going to have to get this issue!
Congratulations Jo, I was looking out for this magazine, I saw the preview of the last one saying you were a guest artist...you have every right to be excited....magic! well done and enjoy x
congrats Jo .... you deserve every bit of it ..... the samples are wonderful ... now to run out and get my copy .... Linda F
Congratulations! I got my copy from Art Journey. I love your work!
Thank you for sharing your art!
Congratulation, you are a star, hope you will still talk to us ;-)
Congratulations! Wish I could see it all but unfortunately I don't have a copy! It looks a beautiful colour palette!
Congratulation, Jo!
It's so nice to see your wonderful artwork - and to read your interview!
this is excellent and you deserve it as you work hard to give us all inspiration. I love the telephone whispers one as well
Jo, hurray for you doll! Very deserving to have your name in lights on the cover.....you're a star! HURRAY!!!!!!!!
Love your artwork and sending hugs as always!
So Coooooool! Now I have to go get the mag. You are such a good artist, that's why I keep coming back for inspiration. Love the last post you did for stampers sampler.
well done Jo - its well deserved, fab images too, can't wait to get the mag
wow!! and not before time Jo.. congratulations.. and it all looks Stunning!!!!!!
Congrats Jo,well deserved, received my copy and all the work looks stunning.
I loved the veiled woman you did for the latest Stampers Sampler. Can you actually tell me how you colored her? I mean the translucent quality of the veil, the white highlights and what inks. It is a super job!
Thanks for sharing
So very cool - how fun to see your name on the cover! Loved the article and your artwork - I'm in there too, on page 31 :)
SO impressive! Congratulations!
CONGRATS ON THE COVER! I've followed your work for a long time, and you definitely deserve recognition for your wonderful artwork!
SO well done Jo - you deserve it - your work is fantastic.
Hope I can pick up a copy from somewhere
Hi Jo, CONGRATULATIONS.....wonderful news. Stunning work as always Sarah xx
Jo, I adore your work. Your blog has kept me inspired at work via blackberry often when I am supposed to be working! I have given you an award on my blog, if you are into that kind of thing!
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