Well the weekend is almost upon us- time flies.
My friend Galina suprised me this morning by telling me she had nominated my blog in the Dorset Little Blog Awards. I'm always entering their competitions on the side of cereal boxes but never win, but this time I have the support from Galina, the competition queen so who knows lol
If you have a moment and you like my blog, please click this link and click on the vote button for me.
Now.... the inky painty bit.
I made this spooky card using one of the new images from Janet Klein of Stampotique. An image so simple but pure genius I thought when I first saw it. Really made me smile. He is called Cooper. Useful Daisy Daisy also appears again as a dainty little ground filler along with Swirl Stalks in the background. I used a spray web for the black netty effect and number stickers (also available from Stampotique) for something a bit different for me.

If you saw my previous card (in the post below this one) you'll perhaps notice the common factor in that its the other half of the swooshy embossing powder effect I made :0) Two for the price of one as it were :0)
Hope you like it.
Have a good weekend.... x
Love the spookiness of this card and I've voted for you my friend xx
ok you just got my vote tooooo.
Good luck and love your little spook as well as the dragonfly below too.
have a great weekend!
I've voted too, love your spooky guy - he's too cute to be scary x
I still love the swooshy embossing effect very cool, I will hope on over and vote for you.x trace...oh, fab card by the way super cute ghostie! X
Feeling very clever for a pre-coffee blog visit, as I did notice the swooshy embossing :-)
I have voted, and will try to vote again, though I think Dorset has set it up so I can't. Surely those other blogs can't be better than yours? Impossible. Who wants to read about cupcakes and soup when they could see dragonflies and ghosts with liberal doses of swooshy embossing. I think even if you don't win, you should award yourself the runner up prize of a Dorset goodie bag (or the goodie bag of your choice).
You got my vote too! Love Cooper and your web spray background - haven't used that stuff for years (even I didn't do THAT in the living room but went outside...lol) Have a great weekend - I'm off to Ally Pally and can't WAIT to shop!!
FAB project - good luck with your nomination to the Dorset Little blog awards.
I used to have some of that web spray but ........ guess I didn't clean the nozzle properly last time I used it!! Ooops!
Loving your swooshing Jo!
Have a FAB weekend.xx
I love this card, you always make such wonderful works of art. Cooper is a fave of mine too xx
your card is wonderful Jo and just I give my vote to you. Your work is beautiful.
Lovely greet
Purrfect piece and another vote, Jo!
ohhhh, beautiful. Definitely need to try that swiping technique it looks so shiny and cool!
A stamp called Cooper? Excellent!! Like the look of that webbing spray too. I think I had some once but we had one explode at work so I chucked it away...
Love the swooshy EP...and I have voted for you too. xx
Great card Jo !!
Spray web - is that just like silly string sort of stuff? Looks fab anyway and I love Cooper. Away to post my vote. Good luck! xx
Fab card - love the image, fabulous name :P ;)
Have voted also! Good luck Jo :)
LOVE it! ♥♥♥ Hope your weekend is good to you, catch up soon. Love S xxx
Fingers crossed you win. Love your latest two cards.
Enjoy your weekend
This is just awesome!
You got my vote Jo! And I love the background you did for my little Cooper! Lovely textures!
Love your spooky card Jo, wonderful background!
LOVE that background!! Beautiful card!
Just playing catchup (again!) and love the card. I've voted, so that's probably the kiss of doom ;)
Amazing background, makes me want to lean in closer to the laptop to soak it in.
He is definitely in the Too Cute To Spook category.
Jo, I can't find your email address cos I've changed computers this year but you won one of the Blog Candy envelopes, so if you can just get your address to me, I'll send one off to you ASAP. Thanks for your lovely comnmentsw and hope all is well. Cath x (Inky Fingers)
Love your card Jo!
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