I didn't think I'd manage to do the hat theme this week on Weds Stamper as I havent had a lot of time free for crafting recently, until I saw that my friend
Joanne was running her monthly inchie swap on the same theme to coincide with the WS this week. So having been inspired by Joanne's collection this week I thought I'd give her inchie challenge a go and put them forward for WS as a dual challenge, as inchies dont take too long.
I managed a couple of sets (two sets of 9 inchies)..had a root through my stamps and found a couple that had never been used..well, one for sure.
Please click on the top pic to enlarge.

Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are fantastic. they are Jo style in a one inch square!!
I'm so glad you took part!
Great work, love your inchies.
Love what you did with Catherine Medici stamp. I haven't seen anyone ever using it (except myself, lol).
Wow, so much detail in such a small space. Fab work, Jo! :)
Yum-my!!! Love the little girl one especially. So much detail - brilliant!
wow, so much detail in an inch square, marvelous jo as always :)love the little girl one too :)
Beautiful inchies jo , so much detail in them. i especially love the little girl ones.
tut. ppfffffffffttttt.
they're blimmin fantastic. tut.
(storms off in a huff to re-do her inchies)
lol they're great as ever Jo, love them.
awesome inchies!
Wow, these are just faab mate, love them ;-)
Hats off to you - what a great collection of such tiny things :)
great inchies, love them
amazing work!
So much detail on such a small area....amazing - Love the colours - must take part in the inchie swap now as I'd love to have one of these ;o)
Gorgeous Jo and what a great idea for the theme!!
wow - what a collection of hats!!! gorgeous work!!!
Wow as always, they're stunning and so much details on something so small!
your inchies are incredibly fab!!
these are gorgeous inchies! and so perfect for the challenge. love the images you selected! beautiful!
What a fantastic set of inches Jo.
These are amazining tiny pieces of art. I can't believe how much detail are in them.
Jo....these are fabulous. You have more patience than me when it comes to inchies. Love the images and coloring to them....awesome!
Fabulous inchies. Love them, especially seeing them togehter.
I´ve hardly ever seen so many details on inchies - fabulous!
Gorgeous work!
lovely set - really like the delicate embossing!
Brilliant Jo - dont know how you do it every time
Wow. Love those inchies!
I love inchies, and these are really fab. So much stamping!
Oh how GORGEOUS are these!!!! :O
completely STUNNING my dear,
Jo, these are delightful!
All are fantastic, Jo!
Gorgeous Jo!
Gorgeous inchies JO!
Great Inchies, Jo. You might have just motivated me to participate in this swap.
Awwww Thats it.. I HAVE to get some Hat inchies done for the swap now.. I NEED to have one of those !!!!!!
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