Wednesday, June 08, 2011

CAS Stampotique Challenge

Before retiring from the Design Team at Stampotique (I'm still designing stamp images, just not posting on my blog each week as time isn't so readily available at the moment), ...anyway wher was I ...ah yes, before leaving I had completed a few of the challenges in advance, this being one of them, Joanne Wardle's CAS challenge at Stampotique.

Now- the 'it just shows how strange life can be' bit... it may look rather similar to Joanne Wardles if you've seen the challenge main post today, but it was one of those spooky moments where we uploaded to the file at Stampotique at the same time with almost an identical card!!! Even more spooky was that instead on the image stamp I finally decided on, I did actually ponder over using the the Joanne chose!!! ( twilight zone music...doo-de-doo-doo doo-de-doo-doo).
(Happened also again on Saturday only this time with a CAS for LIM with Nellie...its really freaky when it does....)

Here's mine for the Stampotique challenge...

Neither of us had seen each others work. And we also live 350 miles away from each other so neither of us sneaked round for a quick peek through the window lol. What I'm trying to say is SOMETIMES these things happen when designs are so simple. There are only so many postions stamps can sit on a CAS card and we just happened to choose the same combination. We were so taken aback when it happened, it was very funny.

(hey...come over here a min... *whispers*... between you and I my card was uploaded first by about 20 minutes rofl, so I leave you to make your own judgement


Is that the sound of Joanne beating my door down ....*run away, run away*

HEEHEE hEEHEE... just joking joanne!!

(psssssssssst....might have even been 25 minutes but don't mention it if you visit her blog ...) hAHAHAHaaaaaaaaa!!


No, seriously, it was a pure fluke....please take a look at Joannes card found here at the Stampotique blog until it's uploaded to Joannes blog once she gets her act together after her night shift at work. Its uncanny how similar they are. And don't forget, Stampotique offer up a $30 Gift Cetificate to one luck drawn participant - check it out and see what you have to do to take part!.


  1. Well, I think both cards are fab (I've just had a look at Joanne's).

    Lovely composition for a CAS card.

    Lesley Xx

  2. beautiful card (as is Joanne's-lol)

  3. Great use of the hearts stamp, Jo. Love your card!

  4. Oooo I love this, so simple yet stunning xx

  5. ROFL, go on then I admit it, it was satellite technology!!!! amazing what you can see on google earth.

    you know I love yours, (more than mine, lol) the hearts look brilliant.

  6. Fabulous card and yep if you have the same stamps and its c&s it's bound to happen, funny though, LOL Gay xx

  7. I think your card is lovely - need to check out Joanne's as I saw it first thing but I've been busy since then..... uncanny how things like this happen!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. This is a fab card Jo and how funny the cards were similar. x

  9. Great card, love the glitter frame. So glad you played with us this week. Hugs!

  10. beautiful stamp, lovely card

  11. Great looking card and I know what you are talking about as I had a chandelier for lessismoore last week
    and was all ready to post it and turned on my computer and at the top of my blog roll was JOANNE`s post of HER chandelier in the SAME spot so I did not post it....I told her about it ,,she said POST IT but true what you say about being only soooo many places to stick a stamp :)

  12. Fab card Jo! Lol at your post! Spooky! x

  13. Fabulous card Jo, loved it immediately. Your blogpost made me laugh ;-)

  14. Fab card Jo !! Simple and super !

  15. those hearts are so cute, precisely in the right spot :) lovely 'cas' card Jo.

  16. It's so weird when stuff like that happens, isn't it? Love your card!

  17. Ha ha! What a great coincidence. Your card is fab :-)

  18. Hi Jo, you make great stuff, love what I see here, thank you for your visit at my place, have a great weekend, Janine

  19. Great card and a perfect quote.

  20. It's a beautiful card....and I love your story!!! x

  21. Sorry I'm late leaving a comment..tis a very sophisticated card. Gorgeous ♥

  22. Класс! Очень впечатлило!

  23. Lovely card Jo. S xxxx
