Saturday, August 16, 2008

One Powerful 'Birdie' Hour

Two challenges in one here....

Over on 'One Powerful Hour' this week is a wonderful Bird theme.

I made this bird tag using a number of stamps. The idea of the challenge site is to create within the hour (yep) and also clear away...(errr sorry I just sweep materials and stamps to one side, along with inks and scraps of paper, as I tend to use oddments on future craft projects. As you can see the ISC floral stamp made another appearance from the other day as it was still infront of me.

This tag also fits in with this weeks Dream challenge over on Created By Hand which asks us to create an item that includes the word Dream. When I created this piece it was meant to portray a dream state of mind where there are layer upon layer of thoughts going on in your mind as there are in a dream.


  1. lovely colours Jo. seems very appropriate for late summer. love the paperclip touch for the seed packet.

  2. eeek-one hour???? it takes me that long to pick out some cardstock :)

    this is lovely - even more so given the time restraints

    I was giggling at the mental image of you "clearing away" with 20 seconds to spare by just sweeping everything off the table into a heap on the floor with your arm - then pointing at the clear table and doing a little "tadaaa" :)

  3. this is awesome. you used so many stamps it looks like paper. wonderful job.

  4. oh fabulous absolutely fabulous...I love the sead packet and feather under the paper clip...adds so much texture!

    Don't worry girl...I hardly ever finish in an hour :) I try really hard but always get distracted with something else :)

    Thanks for taking the challenge, looking forward to seing more of your lovely work.

  5. Ya, as longs as I get 6 hours to decide lol. This is great and so creative! I was trying to get caught up, but you're so prolific. If I miss a few days, it's like missing months! Where do you get the energy!

  6. Lovely - off to look at all your other work

  7. Beautiful stamping and choice in colours.Stunning.

  8. OMG. this is beautiful !! You made this in an hour ?? I would need a whole evening for it !!
    Patti xx

  9. its a lovely piece Jo - very unusual colour combo, looks fantastic! Love there are so many different elements and images in this piece.

  10. love it!! great colourcombination!

  11. beautiful hous!!!!
    very nice colors!!

  12. Mmmm, beautifully layered piece!

  13. Great tag Jo... I can see the layers perfectly! I do exactly the same as you, just move things along to make room for the next piece. Clearing 'away' is very bad for me - 'tis how I lose the stuff I really like... *grin* (like the leaping pixie, for example!)

  14. Wonderful tag, Jo. I can ditto what Rosie said about clearing stuff away. I am forever misplacing things. You did great on this piece.

  15. Just beautiful! Love the paper clip at the top - and that's just for starters. Thanks for taking the challenge!

  16. Wish I could create such a gorgeous piece as this in ONE HOUR!!! Love the sweep everything to one side comment LOL... I did precisely that last night!

  17. Fabulous tag Jo. I love every inch of it!

  18. lol, when I saw you'd done a OPH challenge, I thought "she never cleared away in the hour too" lol. I see I was right. The problem with sweeping things to the side though is that things keep falling off the end, lol.
    This tag is beautiful, quite a bit of stamping, in fact you could say it was "stamped to within an inch..." you know the rest!
